How To Make a Homemade SweetPea Ice Cream Cake

Homemade ice cream cake made with SweetPea non-dairy Cold Brew ice cream

National Ice Cream Cake Day is June 27th, and we’re celebrating with a lifehack recipe you’ve just gotta try.

Trust us—this is going to be your new go to guilty pleasure. We’ve made ice cream cake EASY. And not just easy to make but easy to eat, easy to impress your people, easy on your stomach. You get the picture.

For this recipe, you’ll need...


  • 1 box of your favorite cake mix
  • 3 pints of your desired SweetPea ice cream flavor
  • 8 oz whipped topping 
  • Any additional toppings you’d like to decorate your cake with


  • Plastic wrap or parchment paper
  • An 8-inch round cake pan (two if you have them)
  • An appetite


Ingredients for making plant-based ice cream cake arranged on a wooden counter.


  1. Prepare your favorite cake mix and bake in two 8-inch round cake pans. When they’re finished baking, let those cakes cool! Once cool, pop out the cakes onto two different plates and set aside to cool further.
  2. We’re serious, let them cool to room temperature.
  3. Use one of the 8-inch round cake pans and line it with plastic wrap or parchment paper. Then spread your SweetPea ice cream into the pan in an even layer. (Feel free to use multiple flavors!) Cover with plastic wrap and place it into the freezer to set. (about 30 minutes)
  4. While your SweetPea ice cream is setting in the freezer, gather any extra toppings you want to use and place them in a bowl. Get out your frosting too.
  5. Once your 8-inch round pan filled with SweetPea has set, remove it from the freezer. Gently pull on the plastic wrap or parchment paper lining the pan to coax the layer of ice cream out of the 8-inch round. Once out, place it on top of one of the cake sheets you made earlier. Then place the remaining cake layer on top of it. The result should be a layer of SweetPea plant-based ice cream sandwiched between two layers of cake.
  6. Frost the whole thing with the wild abandon of a drunk paint-splatter artist. 
  7. Decorate with the extra topping you placed into a bowl earlier. If you want some decorative fudge drizzled on top, add that too!
Photo montage of the steps to making homemade plant-based ice cream cake.

And voila! You have a delicious dessert ready to celebrate National Ice Cream Cake Day with! We are already applauding your culinary prowess. Your family, your friends, your coworkers—everyone—is going to LOVE it. And we haven’t even gotten to the best part!

The best part about this recipe for SweetPea non-dairy ice cream cake is that you can make it as food-sensitivity friendly as you need! 

Whether you need an ice cream cake that is…

Whatever it is, SweetPea has you covered! Who knew ice cream cake could be this versatile and delicious?! Well… we did. But that’s not the point! We double dog dare you to try making this recipe with SweetPea. And when you do, and when you love it, share a picture with us on social media!

We can’t wait to see the combinations you come up with. Whether it’s a Mango Tango middle, pineapple cake on the outside, and bits of mango and peach on top. Or maybe a chocolate cake shell with a Peanut Butter Bomb middle? Crunch up some Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups on top and drizzle that bad boy with fudge?

We can keep going… spice cake and That’s a Mean Vanilla Bean? Coffee cake and Must Do Cold Brew? Or what about strawberry cake and T.G.I. Pieday Raspberry?

Brb, we’re off to go make one of these bomb a$$ flavor pairings ourselves! Tell us, what flavor combo would YOU make?



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